Motion Sickness Candies
Photo: Motion Sickness Candies / Three Lollies

6. Seasickness Candy

These all-natural, drug-free candies, sold under brands such as “Queasy Drops,” use essential oils and plant botanicals to reduce nausea. Each drop is roughly the size of a throat lozenge, and they come in flavors including sour raspberry, green tea with lemon, mint, and ginger.

Side Effects: Since this is basically candy and not medication, there are no side effects. But if you get a banana- or cola-flavored drop, good luck getting the taste out of your mouth.

The Verdict: A candy? That cures seasickness? We admit we were skeptical. We did find the flavors refreshing and nonmedicinal, but overall the candies seemed to be more of a placebo than anything else — though the distraction of sucking on the candy was still a comfort. We wouldn't depend on them over, say, the patch, but we often bring them along in addition.