4 Travel Gadgets for Keeping Mosquitoes at Bay

by  Will McGough | Aug 22, 2016

Is the threat of Zika bugging you as you ponder your upcoming travel plans? We're here to help with a few gadgets that are specially made with mosquito repellant, like clothing, clip-on fans, and perfumes designed to keep the bugs at bay. Whether you’re dining al fresco or walking in the woods, protect yourself with one of the latest products to hit the market.

Off Clip On

What it’s good for: Low-level activity

The Off Clip On is a battery-powered fan that works only when you’re stationary. Here, the repellant is dispensed and builds a “cloud” around you, so it won’t be ideal for windy conditions, and you might want to keep food out of reach. That said, it’s a feasible option for situations when you don’t want to dose yourself in bug spray, like after showers, before bed, or reading outside.

ExOfficio Clothing Line

What it’s good for: All occasions

ExOfficio -- known for its selection of active travel clothing -- has created a line extension called BugsAway in an effort to protect travelers (and non-travelers) from the threat of Zika. Jackets, hoodies, shirts, pants, and hats are all treated with invisible, odorless permethrin which, in their words, “puts insect repellant near your skin instead of on it.” Because the repellant is in the clothing and doesn't create a “cloud” around you, it doesn't prevent you from getting bit on areas where your skin is exposed. But, it's very effective at preventing mosquitoes from landing on your clothing and biting you through it, as they might with a normal shirt or pants. This makes it a viable option for hiking, outdoor dining, and everything in between.

Aromaflage Mosquito Perfumes

What it’s good for: Evenings out

A bug spray that repels mosquitoes but smells good to humans? It sounds too good to be true, but Aromaflage has created such an elixir with notes of vanilla, cedarwood, and orange. Called a “Mosquito Perfume,” it's perfect for an evening out on the town, when smelling like bug spray just isn’t an option.

Kite Shield and Patch

What it’s good for: High-level activity

If you’re not a fan of DEET or chemically-laden sprays, the Kite Shield is for you. Its most proud declaration is that it doesn't use the harsh chemicals contained in other bug sprays, relying instead on botanical ingredients that confuse a mosquito’s sensing receptors. In other words, it doesn’t necessarily repel them -- the technology prevents them from finding, or sensing, you. Kite plans to put this same technology into a patch that could be worn instead of sprayed, but a release date has yet to be announced. At 3.38 ounces, the spray bottles are small enough to put in your carry-on bag.

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