Airline Industry Goes Nuts About Nuts

by  Dana Harris | Jul 1, 2010
Nuts / george733/iStock

Sure, we’ve finally come to accept that in-flight meals are largely a thing of the past (maybe not such a bad thing, considering this recent disturbing news on the FDA’s findings on airline food quality), but please don’t take away our precious peanuts! Though the Department of Transportation proposed a ban last week on peanuts – the quintessential mile-high snack – on planes to accommodate passengers who are highly allergic to them, nut-lovers have hope yet. Not only has the department agreed to review public comments on the issue, it has made it clear that the ban will not be implemented without solid scientific proof.  As no studies are currently commissioned to prove that airborne peanut particles on planes can actually cause severe allergic reactions, our conclusion in a nutshell is that the pastime of peanuts on planes is likely to remain.

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