Airports: Can’t live with ‘em, can’t fly to dazzling locations across the globe without ‘em. But recently, they’ve made headlines an awful lot. We’ve collected a few choice stories from the skies this week, from good samaritans to free Wi-Fi on flights.
TSA announced they will begin allowing small knives and other items they formerly considered as weapons on flights beginning in late April. (via ShermansTravel)
Wintery weather has led to the cancellation of 5,200 flights nationwide since Monday, with 610 occurring in Boston and New York City area airports on March 7. Airports in the Washington D.C. area canceled 1,200 total flights March 6 in anticipation of a massive snowstorm. (via USAToday)
Pamela North Hollowaay, a part-time employee at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, found and turned in an envelope filled with $7,000. The cash belonged to an Alabama podiatrist who was traveling to Costa Rica. (via USAToday)
JetBlue is considering offering on-board Wi-Fi free for passengers. The carrier announced earlier this year Wi-Fi would be free to passengers for the first 30 planes to have the equipment installed. (via Skift)
United Airlines has announced a new round of fees that will allow passengers to board earlier. Those traveling in economy class may board with the first group of passengers and pass through certain security checkpoints faster. The Premier Access fee starts at just $9. (via LATimes)
Some U.S. lawmakers are up in arms about TSA’s decision to sign a $50 million contract to purchase new uniforms, a week before sequestration took place. TSA countered that the previous uniform contract had expired and the $50 was merely a ceiling – not the guaranteed amount they would spend. (via Politico)
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In other news: U.S. Passport Day is on March 9
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