Awkward Vacation Photos

by  Amanda Black | Apr 3, 2013
Family photo
Family photo / Tomwang112/iStock

Awkward people, poses, and situations. Sit back and enjoy as we bring you awkward travel photos every week!

Scuba Squad

What a charming family. If only scuba suits were flattering on...well, anyone in the world? I especially appreciate that mom and dad are still wearing their glasses.

Happiest place on earth?

This seems to be one of the unhappiest photos ever taken at Disney. Do you think they're just sad to be leaving?

Proud parents

There's nothing more memorable than a good dress-up session with your son in extremely short lederhosen. That, and your son's first successful use of the toilet in the nearest national park on your road trip.

City slicker

I've spent far too long looking at this picture trying to figure out what's going on. How is she blending into the cityscape with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt on? So many questions...

Rentals? Really?

Look closely. Yes, that sign says you can rent swim suits there. Would you rent a swim suit? Let alone from a sketchy shack? More importantly, do they wash the suits after each use?

Have some awkward photos of your own? Tweet them to @ShermansTravel or @amanda__black!

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