Cunard Offers 3D Films, Street Theater & More

by  Carolyn Balk | Apr 22, 2011
Cunard's Queen Mary 2 cruise ship
Cunard's Queen Mary 2 cruise ship / Photo courtesy of the cruise line

Cunard Cruise Line is introducing new entertainment, including 3D films, songwriting workshops, and Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) “street theatre” performances, for its luxury ship the QM2's transatlantic cruises. The new 3D movie screenings, thanks to Cunard’s partnership with the leader of 3D technology, RealD, increases movie options for passengers and greatly enhances the cinematic experience onboard. Chris Differ of British 1970s band Squeeze will conduct songwriting workshops certain dates with three other songwriters and musicians in a Professional Insights program. Additionally, actors and actresses from RADA will also perform “street theatre” around the ship, taking the plot lines from well known stories and making them relevant to the onboard experience (think The Cunard Tales instead of The Canterbury Tales).

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