Recently rated the most tech-friendly airline, Delta Airlines continued its tech trend by installing six cameras in a suitcase to show us exactly what journey our luggage goes on when we check it. Although the video leaves some to be desired (no TSA screening area photography allowed, for example, and the outdoor shots are at night), it’s no doubt interesting to see the journey that the bag makes, especially as it rides through a maze of conveyer belts reminiscent of the airport scenes in Toy Story 2 (which turn out to be pretty accurately portrayed, animated dolls aside).
The video is an ad for the Delta Mobile app, which has a luggage-tracking feature akin to package trackers used by UPS and other mail carriers. Using Delta’s Wi-Fi, you can track your checked luggage throughout the flight, which can come in handy when you want to know which baggage carousel you should go to in order to retrieve your luggage. You’ll also know where your bag goes if it’s mistakenly on the wrong flight, taking some of the guesswork out of an already frustrating experience.
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