Early-Booking Caribbean Fares from $99

by  Amber Nolan | Jun 8, 2009
Jetblue airplane tailfin
Jetblue airplane tailfin / rypson/iStock

This deal has expired, but be sure to check out our Top 25 deals of the week for savings on trips to destinations around the globe.

Everything may be sunshine, beach-side barbeques, and picnics in the park right now, but once October rolls around that looming feeling will hit, and you’ll know the winter months are too close for comfort. When it does, you’ll have a tough decision to make - accept cold weather as inevitable, or run away from it. We suggest living in denial for another week or so, and by booking a flight ahead of time on one of JetBlue’s new routes to tropical locations, you’ll save some cold-hard cash in the process.

Take off from the new T5 terminal in New York’s JFK airport, and within a few short hours you can be soaking up the sun in Jamaica, Barbados, or St. Lucia. Nonstop flights start at just $99 each way, but tickets must be booked by June 17 for travel valid through November 14. Daily service to Barbados begins October 1, and Kingston Jamaica starts October 30. Flights to St. Lucia will be available Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays beginning October 26.

The Catch: You can’t prolong the cold weather forever, but then again, these are one-way fares.

Visit www.jetblue.com.

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