Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live up in a bird's nest? Yeah, we haven't really either. That is, until we stumbled across the woven, human-size nest at the Treebone Resort in Big Sur, California.
Now it's possible to answer that burning question that has been (or just started) fluttering around in your head: "what is life like from a birds eye view?"
Reserve an "Extreme Eco-Sleep", which includes two nights in the nest and accompanying campground to set up a tent. If the idea of two full nights in a nest doesn't really ruffle your feathers, stay in one of the 16 more luxurious yurts that make up the rest of the resorts unique lodging options. You can still reserve a couple hours in the nest to sit and contemplate the birds life, or your own, while taking in a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean.
Treebones isn't all for the birds. It's a true opportunity to commune with nature. Look into one of their many eco-friendly packages that will help you befriend Mother Earth, including guided nature hikes, gardening seminars and Yoga classes. Have a delicious, locally-produced meal at the Treebone's restaurant or order an in-yurt massage for a true luxury-meets-ecology retreat. And perched on a bluff overlooking the ocean, Treebones surroundings are an experience all their own.