This deal has expired, but be sure to check out our Top 25 deals of the week for savings on trips to destinations around the globe.
Comprising a nine-ship fleet, with no more than 138 passengers each, Cruise West embodies a low-maintenance-yet-high-adventure philosophy. There are no cabaret shows and spas on these ships; only close and personal encounters with the wilderness. In the spirit of sharing those crystal clear fjord shots, or cataloguing your expedition through Alaska’s glacier-hemmed waters, Cruise West offers a free Flip Mino camcorder (worth $149.99) with every Alaska cruise booked and paid in full by May 28.
If a picture says a thousand words, what about a high-caliber, pocket-sized video camera designed for spontaneous captures and travel versatility? The Flip’s memory holds an hour of film and connects via USB cord to your computer, transferring clips and movies with ease (read: more effective than Twittering 140 characters about your trek through the Icy Strait).
Starting from $1,199, Cruise West’s Alaska voyages sail between four and 16 days, offering unforgettable panoramic views of this spectacular frontier, while briefing passengers on their destinations by insightful exploration leaders and even dispatching inflatable vessels that get so close you could lick an iceberg ? though we wouldn’t recommend it.