Savannah with Kids: Go Green, Save Green

by  Paul Eisenberg | Oct 26, 2010
Savannah, Georgia
Savannah, Georgia / Sean Pavone/iStock

The woman most associated with green in Savannah? The easy answer is Paula Deen, raking it in with a culinary empire that includes local eatery The Lady and Sons. The less obvious answer is a source of great pride to Savannahians and a potential fun fact for any ladies in your brood who have worn the green Girl Scout uniform: Juliette Gordon Low, founder of the Scouts, was born in Savannah and her home became the city’s first National Historic Landmark in 1965.

Deen’s restaurant and Low’s house are two of the more touristed points of interest in Savannah, but your green tour shouldn’t end there. General James Oglethorpe not only named Georgia “Georgia” when he sailed there in 1733, but he also envisioned Savannah as a city with some shade. Of the 24 squares in the general’s urban plan, 22 of them remain for family-friendly strolls.

Beyond the squares is perhaps the city’s most popular green space for local and visiting families, 30-acre Forsyth Park, conducive to walking, bicycling, and ogling the iconic fountain that’s probably among the most photographed sites in town.

If you have any doubt that fall is a nice time to visit Savannah, the Oatland Island Wildlife Center has a delightful nature trail on which you and your kids might spy “predators of Georgia” – albeit at a safe distance – that include cougars, bobcats, and the animal most likely to get dads humming the theme to “Sanford and Son,” the red fox (there are six of them here, four born in captivity). And if you happen to be in town on November 13, the center is the site of a HarvestFest that helps welcome fall with baked corn bread, folk music, and hayrides. A couple of weeks later, along the riverside at The Westin Savannah Harbor, the tenth annual Boat Parade of Lights helps to kick off Christmas.

If you miss those events, the Westin might be worth a look for its Love Your Family deal – good for stays through the end of the year – which includes a $100 daily resort credit and free kids meals at selected resort restaurants for kids 5 and under.

For general trip-planning information, see our Savannah Travel Guide, and search for upcoming Savannah Family Events in our new events search section. Use our Travel Search price comparison tool to find the lowest rates on hotels, airfare, packages, and more.

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