Tech Tuesday: Quarterly Roundup of the Best Travel Apps for Your iPhone

by  Darren Murph | May 14, 2013
iPhone / Farknot_Architect/iStock

Though it may not seem (or feel like it from the weather), we're already into a new quarter for 2013, which means it's time to refresh our quarterly app guides! I'm starting this series off with the iPhone, and if you haven't viewed our prior suggestions, you can catch up here and here. If you're looking to use your phone as a crutch during your summer vacation planning, you'll want to make sure the programs below are installed.

Evernote: While not strictly a travel app, I've yet to find a better method of planning a trip than to use this. In a nutshell, this app allows you to create a "note" for each upcoming trip. There, you can then toss in your confirmation numbers, restaurant suggestions, Wikipedia articles from the Web, and more. Think of it as a digital pin board where you can stick ideas for how to best enjoy your journey. The $5/month premium service allows you to view your notes offline, which is absolutely vital if you're traveling internationally and don't want to incur costly roaming charges.

Priority Pass: For the frequent air traveler, there's nothing quite like finding a lounge to relax in between flights. It's an oasis of quiet in the midst of an industry that's chaotic by nature. For those who have splurged on a Priority Pass membership (or who have acquired one by way of owning an American Express Platinum card), this free app allows you to search for nearby lounges using your iPhone's GPS, eliminating the tiresome game of searching. Take a deep breath and enjoy.

Jibbigo: If you want to see just how valuable technology is, grab this app before heading off to a foreign land. It allows users to speak or type phrases in their native tongue, while converting it to over 15 of the world's most common languages on the fly. The program itself is free to download, but you'll be able to store every single language it supports to your phone for offline use for just $25. It's truly incredible to think that you can effectively communicate with just about anyone in the world with a $25 program on your phone.

Find six more awesome travel apps here!

What are your favorite iPhone travel apps? Share them below!

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