It's been less than two weeks since the Polar Vortex first drove us, shivering, indoors like frightened rabbits. Regardless, the unpleasant cold snap is due to make an encore appearance in the U.S. this week, with reporting that highs in Minneapolis will be in the single digits. Yikes. The very thought of it just makes us want to curl up by the fire with a good book and not go outside until it's summer. If you're having the same reaction, here are a few ways to stay warm on your travels as you brave the cold spell...
- Next time you check into a hotel, ask yourself: can its fireplace compete with these 5 Hot Hotel Fireplaces To Keep You Warm This Winter?
- Watch waves crash in the Atlantic Ocean while sipping clam chowder in New England's 5 Coziest Waterfront Restaurants.
- When it comes to comfort foods in far-flung locales, nothing warms us up quite like these 10 Noodle Soups from Asia.
- Need a little optical stimulation to get you through the cold? Our 11 Places To Beat the Winter Blues slideshow ought to do the trick.
- You may think of Boston as a summer city, but it turns out the colder months bring out its money-saving appeal, too.
- And for those of you planning bigger trips this winter, be sure to use our 20 Sweet Spots for Winter Value as a reference.