Awkward poses, people, and situations. Sit back and enjoy as we bring you awkward travel photos every week!
Pose perfect
When this family signed up for vacation, I'd bet good money they didn't anticipate having to hold mom up in a seductive pose. Now that I think of it, why'd they agree to this at all? This would scar me for family vacations to come.
Hot tub time machine
A number of questions come to mind when I look at this picture: Why does it look like everyone is naked? Why does the little one look like he's asking for another drink (he should be cut off, by the looks of it). And why does emo headgear kid look so unhappy, aside from the awkward situation?
Tourist destinations
Really, these two are genius – they're skipping the long lines to the hottest tourist spots and instead getting all their photos done outside the city on the highway. Why didn't I think of that?!
Father-son love
And who said Johnny and his ol' pop didn't know how to show one another affection? They're practically in tears because this moment makes them so happy...
Have some awkward photos of your own? Tweet them to @ShermansTravel or @amanda__black!
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