Free $25 E-Certificates on AirTran

by  Amber Nolan | Aug 7, 2009
AirTran plane
AirTran plane / rypson/iStock

This deal has expired, but be sure to check out our Top 25 deals of the week for savings on trips to destinations around the globe.

In addition to offering its customers free in-flight WiFi throughout the month of August,  AirTran just rolled out free $25 e-certificates on flights to and from Florida. Amazingly, it appears that there are no strings attached with this one – you simply enter your e-mail address and they will send you the voucher.  This offer is limited to one per e-mail address, though you can double your savings by simply entering a second e-mail address – and lets face it, who doesn’t have more than one e-mail account these days? Simply use the credits to book two one-way flights and voila! You now have $50 buckaroos back in your wallet.

The e-certificate can be used for tickets purchased by October 31, for travel valid through December 18.  A number of AirTran passengers have already reported they’ve had success using the e-credit on flights to airports outside of Florida, so it’s worth a try. Keep in mind that AirTran does charge to check baggage and unfortunately the e-credit doesn’t apply to those pesky fees.

A special thanks to one of our readers, Ken Randall for drawing our attention to this offer.

For more info, visit

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