Navigate New Routes in Asia at a 65% Discount

by  Amber Nolan | Jul 7, 2010
Qingdao, China
Qingdao, China / webstar15/iStock

The Luxury Sailing Asia year-round for the first time, Yachts of Seabourn presents a fresh batch of captivating itineraries on its 208-passenger Seabourn Pride. On August 10, the yacht will embark from Kobe, Japan, on a 12-night odyssey to Shanghai, China. En route, the Pride will call on two ports in Japan (Kagoshima and Nagasaki), then three ports in South Korea (Busan, Mokpo, and Jeju), before crossing the Yellow Sea and making three more stops in China (Qingdao, Jiangyin, and finally Shanghai). Onboard, guests can dine on cuisine designed by chef Charlie Palmer, take in a comedy show, or mingle in the regal Sky Bar.

The Value Cruises aboard the Seabourn Pride are reduced from $11,400 to $3,499 a person (a 65 percent savings) if booked by July 31.

The Catch Although Japan’s rainy season wraps up in July, China and Korea can see heavy downpours through September.

The Details 800-929-9391;

From the Summer 2010 issue of Sherman’s Travel magazine.


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