Save up to $5,000 on Expedition Cruises

by  Amber Nolan | Jun 8, 2010
Adventure Life's Millennium
Adventure Life's Millennium / Photo courtesy of the company

This deal has expired, but be sure to check out our Top 25 deals of the week for savings on trips to destinations around the globe.

The under-the-radar expedition ship, Wanderbird, which calls at scenic ports in coastal Maine and Newfoundland as well as remote maritime villages in Greenland, is offering 2-for-1 rates and 25 percent off summer and early fall cruises exclusively to Sherman’s Travel readers. The 12-passenger Wanderbird may be the coziest ship at sea, and is fitted with a salon, library, galley, and lantern-lit coach house – a perfect location for curling up with a good book. The 2-for-1 promotion is valid on two 17-day sailings to Greenland, Labrador, and Newfoundland embarking July 19 and August 9. Prices start at $5,000/person, but the second passenger sails free. Or, save 25 percent on the Maine Kayaking expedition (embarking September 24) starting from $1,200/person (originally $1,600).

THE VALUE Expedition voyages on other cruise lines can range from $2,000-$12,000/person (or more) depending on the destination. Lengthy cruises to Greenland average around $8,000/person ($16,000 total).

THE CATCH: Airfare to the embarkation ports is not included.

THE DETAILS: To receive these exclusive offers, reservations must be made by June 15. Visit, or call 1-866-732-247 and mention Sherman’s Travel.

WE’VE GOT MORE: Need a low-cost flight to get you to the embarkation ports? Try our Travel Search price comparison tool to enter your dates.

Interested in small-ship cruising? Check out our Top Ten Riverboat Cruises.

Head over to our Adventure Travel blog for more off-the-path expeditions.


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